December 11-15th, Lauren Ziegler is guiding a fun and easy experiment for you to try alternative ways to improve your sleep.


Sleeping better is a reachable goal.

There is nothing we can do to “make” ourselves fall asleep…

But what we can do is use tools to create the conditions for sleep to happen.

This experiment will help you do exactly that.

I created this 5-day experiment for you if you want to sleep better, and want easy ways to start to make that happen.

We’ll simply experiment with a variety of tools, and I’ll share my top strategies based on 12 years of helping people sleep.

This FREE guided experiment brings you science-backed practices grounded in mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), mindful self-compassion (MSC), trauma awareness, ancient sleep meditation practice, and breathwork to turn down your nervous system and alleviate your body and mind as you fall asleep.


    Feel less tense, more comfortable and learn to create the conditions to let go into deep sleep.


    Break the cycle of anxious thinking, rumination and intense feelings that can keep you up at night.


    Identify an internal factor that may be compromising your sleep, and gain a tool to resolve it.


    Feel motivated to try these techniques all week with our fun accountability system.


✓ You’ll get a daily email inviting you to the Laboratory, which holds the content for the 5 days, available to you each day.

✓ A pre and post assessment (to check your hypothesis, of course) along with built in rewards for progressing through the experiment.

✓ Motivation through 3 minute teachings and a method to keep track that will help you analyze what is working to improve your sleep.

✓ We will meet LIVE on Zoom for a celebration at the end Monday, Dec 18th at 12pm PCT to share wins, smiles and stories and PRIZES will be awarded!

✓ You can join our community of sleepers around the world and hear how others are making these techniques a part of their lives.

Gain the benefits of deeper rest for a week, no matter what amount of previous experience you have.

I’m Lauren Ziegler, I’m a professional sleep coach with the leading channel (136k + subscribers) on Aura Health, a top meditation & sleep app. I am certified IAYT (International Association of Yoga Therapists) and specialize in spinal decompression, Yoga Nidra and meditation.

Overtime I have helped millions of people with sleep through my work in universities, private practice, yoga and meditation teacher trainings, medical clinics and my online sleep education and skills based programs

For years, I’ve been teamed up with a team of medical doctors that send me patients because they need to be sleeping better and I can help. Sometimes they have habits getting in the way, medical conditions, or they want to be less reliant on substances for sleep.

I am particularly effective at helping people deal with their minds in a way that improves their whole sleep experience. My coaching is based on neuroscience and sleep research, trauma training, cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia techniques, mindfulness principles and ancient sleep meditation processes.

I'm absolutely passionate about helping you to make improvements to your sleep experience. So you’re in good hands as we go into this experiment. I’ll share tools with you that are as assessible as they are effective.


  • We can meet from anywhere in the world. How cool is that? I’m in Costa Rica. No matter what timezone you are in, you will be able to access that day’s content on the same day as everyone else. You can practice when you go to bed. Daily email reminders will arrive in your inbox, but all the importtant content is inside the program, which you can access anytime, anywhere.

  • This program is for you if you don’t sleep very well and want something doable to start to improve your sleep. It’s also for you if you have a hard time winding down your mind to sleep, have a lot of physical tension. This is for you if you want to learn how to really enjoy the process of getting tired and drifting into sleep.

  • You will have access to all program content for an additional week past the end of the experiment. There will be options to continue access offered at the end of this program. Part of the benefit of the program is the experience of going through it with a group and receiving support along the way, so I encourage you to prioritize going through the program while it’s happening.

  • THIS PROGRAM IS FREE AT THIS TIME. If you begin the program and discover it’s not a fit for you, simply request a refund within the first 3 days and you will receive a full refund within 48 hours. There is really no risk to trying out this program!

December 11-15th, Lauren Ziegler is guiding a fun and easy experiment for you to try alternative ways to improve your sleep.