Lauren Ziegler

C-IAYT & Sleep Coach

Level 1 - Sleep WELLNESS Kickstarter Program

5 sessions (+ 1 program) over 2 months @ US$870

The sleep wellness kickstarter program combines mind + body sleep assessments with improved sleep hygiene, mindset enhancement, and lifestyle optimization. You'll learn practical techniques for creating a sleep-conducive environment and addressing mental barriers to restful sleep. Lauren will guide you in optimizing your routines to promote healthier sleep patterns.

The program includes the following sleep assessment:

  • American Academy of Sleep Medicine 2-Week Sleep Test

The personalized coaching includes:

  • Bi-Weekly Calls

  • One 60-minute Intake Call to devise your personalized sleep behavioral and stress management protocol

  • Three 20-minute accountability calls 

  • Written sleep wellness protocol + guidance based on your symptoms + clinical recommendations

  • Private messaging for 2 months 

Self-paced protocol modules consist of:

  • Welcome Video (goal setting and expectations) 

  • How Sleep Works and Sleep Hygiene

  • Sleep Mindset, Stimulus Control and Sleep Restriction Therapy

  • Stress Management

  • Eating Routine, Exercise + Maintenance

Payment Plan available at no charge (Deposit = $200 + 2 Monthly Payments of $335)


9 sessions (+ 1 program) over 4 months @ US$1550

The sleep wellness transformation program combines comprehensive mind + body sleep assessments with sleep mindset enhancement, and lifestyle optimization. You'll learn practical techniques for accessing a state of deep sleep and addressing mental barriers to restful sleep. Lauren will guide you in optimizing your routines to promote healthier sleep patterns.

The program includes the following sleep assessments:

  • American Academy of Sleep Medicine 2-Week Sleep Test

  • Custom Mind + Body Sleep Journal

The personalized coaching includes:

  • Bi-Weekly Calls

  • One 60-minute Intake Call to devise your personalized sleep behavioral and stress management protocol

  • Six 20-minute accountability calls 

  • Written and recorded personalized sleep wellness protocol + guidance based on your symptoms + clinical recommendations

  • Private messaging for 4 months 

  • 20% off additional sessions as needed

Self-paced protocol modules consist of:

  • Welcome Video (goal setting and expectations) 

  • How Sleep Works and Sleep Hygiene

  • Sleep Mindset, Stimulus Control and Sleep Restriction Therapy

  • Stress Management

  • Eating Routine, Exercise + Maintenance

Payment Plan available at no charge (Deposit = $500 + 3 Monthly Payments of $350)